FTR Recording Vault
Unrivaled storage and access for official court content.
Forming the foundation of FTR Justice Cloud, FTR Recording Vault exponentially increases the ease and security of managing official court content. It provides automatic, secure, cloud-based storage and a comprehensive, centralized management platform—enabling immediate access for the court.
FTR Recording Vault automatically replicates digital court recordings in the cloud as they are captured. It guards records with industry-leading security measures, yet still makes them instantly available to judges, court staff, and other approved participants.
Powered by FTR Justice Cloud, FTR Recording Vault is enhanced functionality for justice administration.

See how FTR Recording Vault can benefit:

For The Record Speech-to-Text
Revolutionary technology available today.
Speech-to-Text is available free for courts using For The Record’s Recording Vault and is part of a suite of cloud-based solutions which work together to increase the efficiency and confidence of participants in the justice system.