Reporter Product Information


FTR Reporter is the gold standard for digital recording capture. Capture the highest quality audio and video; and annotate court hearings, conferences, or meetings from a single program that automatically links the annotations to the exact time events occurred. Recordings are replicated every five minutes into patented For The Record file-naming technology—TRMs—for fast, accurate, and reliable digital recording.


Key functionalities.

Reduces latency and loading time in FTR Player during remote monitoring

Adds support for Windows Server 2022

Records every word with up to 16-channel high-fidelity audio

Captures every gesture with up to four-channel HD video streams

Automatically detects and alerts for loss of signal and low audio levels

Included with.

Minimum system requirements.

Operating System: Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows Server 2022

CPU (Audio only): Intel Core i5 (any generation) RAM: 4GB

CPU (Video using IP Cameras): Intel Core i7 (any generation) RAM: 8GB

CPU (Video using non-IP Cameras): Intel Core i7 (any generation) RAM: 16GB

Install space: 150MB of available storage

Recording space: For The Record recommends a separate partition for audio recordings

Audio playback: on-board sound card for playback of recordings

FTR-compatible multi-channel audio capture device for audio recording

FTR-compatible video capture device for video recording

If archiving to optical media, compatible optical drive will be required

If archiving to the LAN or WAN, network connection with appropriate bandwidth required

More information.

FTR Gold Product Information.

Reporter Product Data
Monitor Product Sheet
Manager Product Sheet
Player Product Sheet
Log Notes Product Sheet
Reporter Server Product Sheet
Interview recorder Product Sheet
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