NACM Annual 2023
This year’s NACM Annual Conference, Fulfilling the Promise of Justice for All through Connection, will focus on racial justice and barriers to equity in our justice system. Courts must be mindful of such barriers so that innovations and system improvements can be implemented effectively.
To learn more about this year’s theme and register, visit
While at NACM, visit the For The Record team at booth #301 to experience advanced speech-to-text technology designed specifically courts—FTR RealTime—and learn how you can elevate your courtroom into the cloud with Cloud Platform Solutions.
In addition to our booth space, we have the Sky Box on the third floor reserved for interactive demonstrations of FTR RealTime. Take a break from the tradeshow floor and test this new technology for yourself. At the end of the interactive, 20-minute demo, you’ll receive a tech travel kit valued at $70.
Space is limited.